Postanite VOZZi partner.

Postanite del inovativne pomoči na cesti



Prijavite se, vrata našega podjetja so vam odprta.

If you are professionally engaged in roadside assistance services, join us. The VOZZi Partner Network is constantly growing.

Low commissions

Fixed 10% commission from every transaction. The price list is the same on the entire territory of your country of residence and there are no hidden costs. Our partner price list covers fixed prices for all services and they are the same for every partner. In that way, we offer full service transparency and protect our customers´ rights. Therefore your market success depends only on the quality and availability of your services and not on prices.

No initial investments

If you are in the business of providing roadside assistance services as a company or as an individual, you can apply for a partner position completely free. The success of your business within our users´ network is in no way determined by your investments, but strictly by your work, activities and rating from our users. VOZZi is a developed online service with a constantly improving infrastructure that is directly linked to your business success.

You are in full control

Take control of your own business. You decide on your working hours. Your business success depends entirely on the quality of your work, the relationships you build with your customers, and the way in which you present yourself to them. You control your image and business policy, so maximize every opportunity you get. Does your company have more drivers? Each one of them installs the VOZZi Partner app on his/her phone and you can track them easily in real time, at any moment.

Taking photos is required

In order to protect our partners, we require taking photos. Take a picture of a vehicle before and after your service. If the vehicle is damaged after your service and the customer claims that it is your fault, we can easily prove the opposite.

Kaj pravijo naši partnerji?

Imam odlično sodelovanje z VOZZijem

Vse je, kot smo se dogovorili na začetku. To je podjetje, ki nenehno širi svojo ponudbo v tej panogi.

Ivan Vulićević, Služba za vuču Krimleks d.o.o. Čupo, Čačak

Izjemno veselje je sodelovati z VOZZijem

Imajo velik vpliv pri uveljavljanju standardov za naše poslovanje. Aplikacija je vse naredila pregledno, od povezovanja s strankami do prejemanja plačila.

Dragan Radićbratović, Služba za vleko Gaga MDR, Zlatibor

S poslovanjem z VOZZijem je užitek

Aplikacija pomaga najti stranko, izvesti storitev in zaračunati brez težav. Tako moje stranke kot jaz smo zelo zadovoljni.

Željko Bonđerović, Služba za vleko Toma 021, Novi Sad


Namestite aplikacijo

Hitra in preprosta namestitev na Android in iOS platformah.


Ne glede na to, ali ste zainteresirani za sodelovanje kot služba za prevoz pokvarjenih vozil ali servis ali za kakšno drugo obliko sodelovanja.

VOZZi Holding B. V, Nizozemska

+386 1 8107912